Natural & Alternative Remedies
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Digestives, including enzymes. Multienzymes. ATC Code А09А А02. Indications to Use: Substitution therapy with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency: – chronic pancreatitis, conditions after pancreatectomy, pancreatic cancer, irradiation, dyspepsia. – Meteorism, diarrhea of non-infectious genesis. – Disruption of food assimilation (state after resection of stomach and small intestine). – In order to improve digestion of food in persons with the normal function of the digestive tract for malfunctions of the masticatory function, with the use of difficult digestible vegetable, fatty or unusual foods; consumption of excessive amounts of food. – Preparation for X-ray examination and ultrasound diagnostic examinations of the abdominal cavity (degassing of the intestine).$16
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Means used in functional disorders of the digestive system. Papaverine. Code ATX A03A D01 Indications to Use: Spasm of smooth muscles of the abdominal cavity (cholecystitis, pylorospasm, spastic colitis, renal colic), peripheral vessels (endarteritis), and vessels of the brain.$12
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Analgesics and antipyretics. Code ATX N02B E01. Indications to use: Teething pain, toothache, sore throat, fever with colds, flu, and childhood infections such as chickenpox, whooping cough, measles, and mumps (mumps). The drug is also recommended for the treatment of post-vaccination hyperthermia in infants aged 2-3 months.$13
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Analgesics and antipyretics. Code ATX N02B E51. Indications to use: Moderate and severe pain (headache, migraine, musculoskeletal pain, muscle aches, toothache, pain after tooth and tooth removal, sore throat, periodic menstrual pain), fever and pain after vaccination, fever.$13
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Analgesics and antipyretics. Code ATX N02B E01. Indications to use: Headache, including migraine and tension headache, toothache, back pain, rheumatic pain, muscle pain, recurrent pain in women, mild arthritis pain, relief of symptoms of fever and pain with colds and flu.$12
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Analgesics and antipyretics. Paracetamol. ATC Code N02B E01. Indications to Use: Headache, including migraine and tension headache, toothache, back pain, rheumatic pain, muscle pain, periodic pain in women, moderate pain in arthritis, relief of fever symptoms and pain for colds and flu.$12
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Topical chemotherapeutic agents. Antiviral drugs. ATX code D06B B06 Indications to use: Herpes of the lips$13
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Alimentary tract and metabolism. Drugs for acid related disorders. ATC Code A02Х. Indications to Use: Hypoacid gastritis (treatment and prevention of relapses) digestive disorders caused by a decreased acidity of gastric juice.$26.50
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Anti-infectives and antiseptics for local oral treatment. ATC Code А01А В11. Indications to Use: Local treatment of inflammatory diseases (catarrhal, aphthous, ulcerative stomatitis) and superficial damage to the oral mucosa, catarrhal gingivitis, tonsillitis, glossitis.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Proton pump inhibitors. ATC Code А02В С04. Indications to Use: – Active duodenal ulcer; – active benign gastric ulcer; – erosive or ulcerative gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) – long-term treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (maintenance therapy for GERD) – symptomatic treatment of moderate to very severe gastroesophageal reflux disease (symptomatic treatment of GERD) – Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, – in combination with appropriate antibacterial schemes for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in patients with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.$15
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Proton pump inhibitors. ATC Code А02В С04. Indications to Use: – Active duodenal ulcer; – active benign gastric ulcer; – erosive or ulcerative gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) – long-term treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (maintenance therapy for GERD) – symptomatic treatment of moderate to very severe gastroesophageal reflux disease (symptomatic treatment of GERD) – Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, – in combination with appropriate antibacterial schemes for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in patients with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.$17
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. H2-receptor antagonists. ATC Code A02B A02. Indications to Use: Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum not associated with Helicobacter pylori (in the phase of exacerbation), including ulcer associated with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); – functional dyspepsia; – chronic gastritis with increased acid-producing function of the stomach in the stage of exacerbation; – gastroesophageal reflux disease (for relief of symptoms) or reflux esophagitis.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. H2-receptor antagonists. ATC Code A02B A02. Indications to Use: Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum not associated with Helicobacter pylori (in the phase of exacerbation), including ulcer associated with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); – functional dyspepsia; – chronic gastritis with increased acid-producing function of the stomach in the stage of exacerbation; – gastroesophageal reflux disease (for relief of symptoms) or reflux esophagitis.$10
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Antihypertensives. Antiadrenergic agents, centrally acting. Rauvolfia alkaloids. ATC Code С02А А04. Indications to Use: Hypertension of mild and moderate degree.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Antimigraine preparations. Selective serotonin (5-HT1) agonists. Rizatriptan. ATC Code N02C C04. Indications to Use: Urgent treatment of headache in migraine attacks with or without an aura.$17
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Antimigraine preparations. Selective serotonin (5-HT1) agonists. Rizatriptan. ATC Code N02C C04. Indications to Use: Urgent treatment of headache in migraine attacks with or without an aura.$12
Senadeksin-Zdorovye tablets 70 mg blister 10 pcs Сенадексин-Здоровье таблетки по 70 мг блистер 10 штGENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Contact laxatives. Senna glycosides. ATC Code А06А В06. Indications to Use: Constipation due to intestinal atony of different etiology. Preparation for X-ray examinations.$12
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Liver therapy, lipotropics. Hepatotropic drugs. ATC Code А05В А03. Indications to Use: Toxic liver damage: for maintenance treatment of patients with chronic inflammatory liver diseases or cirrhosis.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Liver therapy. Hepatotropic drugs. Silymarin. ATC Code А05В А03. Indications to Use: Toxic liver damage: for maintenance treatment of patients with chronic inflammatory liver diseases or cirrhosis.$18
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Liver therapy. Hepatotropic drugs. Silymarin. ATC Code А05В А03. Indications to Use: Toxic liver damage: for maintenance treatment of patients with chronic inflammatory liver diseases or cirrhosis.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Corticosteroids for use in dermatology. Code ATX D07A C04. Indications to use: Short-term treatment of acute and severe non-infectious inflammatory skin diseases (without exudation), accompanied by persistent itching or hyperkeratosis: seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, nodular urticaria (papular urticaria), allergic contact dermatitis, erythema multiforme, lupus erythematosus, tuberculosis lupus erythematosus$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Laxatives. Enemas. ATX code A06A G10. Indications: Symptomatic treatment of recurrent constipation when the use of enemas is required. Preparation for endoscopic examination of the rectum.$23
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Contact laxatives. ATC Code A06A В08. Indications to Use: Constipation or cases requiring relief of defecation. Like other laxatives, Slabilaks-Zdorovye should not be used daily or for a long period without establishing the cause of constipation.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Contact laxatives. ATC Code A06A В08. Indications to Use: Constipation or cases requiring relief of defecation.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Anti-infectives and antiseptics for local oral treatment. ATC Code. А01A В. Indications to Use: Treatment of infectious-inflammatory diseases of the periodontal and oral mucosa: – catarrhal hypertrophic gingivitis, acute and chronic course; – acute ulcerative-necrotic gingivitis (Vincent gingivitis); – generalized periodontitis, chronic and acute course; – injury to the oral mucosa caused by dentures – alveolitis (inflammation of the alveolar socket after tooth extraction). Prevention of chronic gingivitis and periodontitis.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Drugs used in erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil. ATC Code G04B E03. Indications to Use: The drug is recommended for men with erectile dysfunction that is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection of the penis necessary for successful sexual intercourse. For effective action of the drug, sexual arousal is necessary.$40
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Drugs used in erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil. ATC Code G04B E03. Indications to Use: The drug is recommended for men with erectile dysfunction that is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection of the penis necessary for successful sexual intercourse. For effective action of the drug, sexual arousal is necessary.$30
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Drugs used in erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil. ATC Code G04B E03. Indications to Use: The drug is recommended for men with erectile dysfunction that is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection of the penis necessary for successful sexual intercourse. For effective action of the drug, sexual arousal is necessary.$20
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Muscle relaxants, centrally acting agents. ATC Code М03В Х04. Indications to Use: Symptomatic treatment of muscular spasm in adults after a stroke.$28