First Aid
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Means acting on ectoparasites, including itch mites. ATC code Р03А Х01. Indications to Use: Scabies, demodicosis, pediculosis.$9
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Spasmolytic and anticholinergic agents in combination with other drugs. ATC code A03E D. Indications to Use: Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by spasms (colitis, enterocolitis).$9
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Corticosteroids for use in dermatology. Corticosteroids in combination with antibiotics. Betamethasone and antibiotics. АТС code D07С C01. Indications to Use: Dermatoses that answer to a treatment with GCs in case of complications or suspected complications due to secondary infection caused by gentamicin-sensitive microorganisms: eczema (atopic, infantile, nummular), anogenital and senile pruritus, contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, intertrigo, solar dermatitis, exfoliative dermatitis, stasis dermatitis and psoriasis.$15
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Corticosteroids for use in dermatology. Corticosteroids in combination with antibiotics. Betamethasone and antibiotics. АТС code D07С C01. Indications to Use: Treatment of GCs-sensitive dermatoses, if there are (or are suspected) bacterial and/or mycotic infections caused by the drug-sensitive microorganisms.$17
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Corticosteroids for use in dermatology. Corticosteroids in combination with antibiotics. Betamethasone and antibiotics. АТС code D07С C01. Indications to Use: Treatment of GCs-sensitive dermatoses, if there are (or are suspected) bacterial and/or mycotic infections caused by the drug-sensitive microorganisms.$18
Betazone cream for external use 0.1% tube 30 g Бетазон крем для наружного применения 0,1 % туба 30 гGENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Corticosteroids for use in dermatology. Active corticosteroids (group III). АТС code D07A C01. Indications to Use: To reduce the inflammatory signs of dermatoses that are sensitive to the therapy with GCs, such as: eczema (atopic, nummular), contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, solar dermatitis, exfoliative dermatitis, stasis-dermatitis, radiation dermatitis, intertrigo, psoriasis, anogenital and senile pruritus.$10
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Medicines used in throat diseases. Antiseptics. Code ATX R02A A20 Indications to Use: Disinfection of the oral cavity and pharynx in inflammatory and infectious diseases: angina, pharyngitis, tonsillofaringitis, tonsillitis, glossitis and aphthous stomatitis; in the complex treatment with antibiotics for streptococcal tonsillitis; the first symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Antiseptic and disinfectants. Code ATX D08A G02. Indications to use: Prevention of infections with small cuts and abrasions, minor burns and minor surgical procedures. Treatment of fungal and bacterial infections of the skin, as well as infections of pressure sores and trophic ulcers.$10
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Antiseptics and sterilizing agents. Povidone-iodine. ATC code D08A G02. Indications to Use: Hand disinfection and antiseptic treatment of the mucous membranes, for example before surgical operations, gynecological and obstetric procedures, bladder catheterization, biopsy, injections, punctures, blood sampling, and also as a first aid for accidental skin contamination with infected material. Antiseptic treatment of wounds and burns. Hygienic and surgical disinfection of hands.$15
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Selective β-adrenoceptor blockers. ATC code С07А В07. Indications to Use: Arterial hypertension ischemic heart disease (angina) chronic heart failure with systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle in combination with ACE inhibitors, diuretics, if necessary – with cardiac glycosides.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Antifungal agents for use in dermatology. Antifungal agents for local administration. Bifonazole. ATC code D01A C10. Indications to Use: Treatment of fungal skin diseases caused by bifonazole-sensitive pathogens (dermatophytes; yeast, mold fungi and other fungal infections; Malassezia furfur and Corynebacterium minutissimum): • superficial candidiasis and skin mycoses (including mycoses of feet and webs of fingers, arm mycosis, mycosis of smooth skin and skin folds of the body) • versicolor tinea; • erythrasmas.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Mucolytic agents. ATC code R05C B02. Indications to Use: Secretolitic therapy for acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases accompanied with impaired formation and movement of the expectoration.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Antimicrobial and antiseptic agents for use in gynecology, except for combined drugs containing corticosteroids. ATC code G01A A10. Indications to Use: Treatment of bacterial vaginosis.$21
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Lipid-lowering drugs, multi-agents. HMG-CoA reductase ihibitors. ATC code С10А А01. Indications to Use: Hypercholesterolemia: treatment of primary hypercholesterolemia or mixed dyslipidemia, as a supplement to a diet, when the response to the diet and other drug-free treatments (e.g., bodily exercises, weight loss) is not enough. Treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, as a supplement to diet and other lipid-lowering therapy (e.g., low density lipids apheresis) or if such treatment methods are not appropriate. Cardiovascular disease prevention: reduction of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in patients with obvious atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus with normal or elevated cholesterol levels, as an adjunctive therapy to correct other risk factors and in addition to other cardioprotective therapy.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Lipid-lowering drugs, multi-agents. HMG-CoA reductase ihibitors. ATC code С10А А01. Indications to Use: Hypercholesterolemia: treatment of primary hypercholesterolemia or mixed dyslipidemia, as a supplement to a diet, when the response to the diet and other drug-free treatments (e.g., bodily exercises, weight loss) is not enough. Treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, as a supplement to diet and other lipid-lowering therapy (e.g., low density lipids apheresis) or if such treatment methods are not appropriate. Cardiovascular disease prevention: reduction of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in patients with obvious atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus with normal or elevated cholesterol levels, as an adjunctive therapy to correct other risk factors and in addition to other cardioprotective therapy.$13
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Lipid-lowering drugs, multi-agents. HMG-CoA reductase ihibitors. ATC code С10А А01. Indications to Use: Hypercholesterolemia: treatment of primary hypercholesterolemia or mixed dyslipidemia, as a supplement to a diet, when the response to the diet and other drug-free treatments (e.g., bodily exercises, weight loss) is not enough. Treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, as a supplement to diet and other lipid-lowering therapy (e.g., low density lipids apheresis) or if such treatment methods are not appropriate. Cardiovascular disease prevention: reduction of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in patients with obvious atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus with normal or elevated cholesterol levels, as an adjunctive therapy to correct other risk factors and in addition to other cardioprotective therapy.$22
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Sleep-inducing and sedative agents. Barbiturates in combination with preparations of other groups. ATC code N05C B02. Indications to Use: Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system; – neuroses accompanied with increased irritability and a sense of fear – psychosomatically induced anxiety; – state of excitation with expressive vegetative manifestations; – initial insomnia.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Corticosteroids for use in dermatology. Code ATX D07A В02. Indications to use: Conditions in which response to treatment with topical corticosteroids (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis)$13
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Agent acting on the nervous system. ATC code N07Х Х. Indications to Use: Improves mental capacity. In stress situations and psychoemotional stress (during an examination period, in conflict situations). Deviant forms of behavior of children and adults. Functional and organic diseases of the nervous system (neuroses, neurosis-like conditions, vegetovascular dystonia, consequences of a neuroinfection, craniocerebral trauma, perinatal and other forms of encephalopathy, including those of alcoholic genesis), which are accompanied by increased excitability, emotional instability, decreased mental capacity, sleep disorder. Ischemic stroke and cerebral circulation disorders. As an adjuvant for treatment of alcohol addiction.$30
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Drugs used for liver diseases, lipotropic substances. Hepatotropic drugs. Arginine glutamate. ATC code А05В А01. Indications to Use: Prevention of alcohol intoxication and hepatotoxicity. Treatment of acute alcohol intoxication of mild and moderate severity, as well as in a combination therapy of post intoxication disorders after an acute severe alcohol poisoning.$24
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Drugs used for liver diseases, lipotropic substances. Hepatotropic drugs. Arginine glutamate. ATC code А05В А01. Indications to Use: Prevention of alcohol intoxication and hepatotoxicity. Treatment of acute alcohol intoxication of mild and moderate severity, as well as in a combination therapy of post intoxication disorders after an acute severe alcohol poisoning.$24
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Drugs used for liver diseases, lipotropic substances. Hepatotropic drugs. Arginine glutamate. ATC code А05В А01. Indications to Use: Prevention of alcohol intoxication and hepatotoxicity. Treatment of acute alcohol intoxication of mild and moderate severity, as well as in a combination therapy of post intoxication disorders after an acute severe alcohol poisoning.$11
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Drugs used for liver diseases, lipotropic substances. Hepatotropic drugs. Arginine glutamate. ATC code А05В А01. Indications to Use: In a combination therapy of acute and chronic hepatitis of various etiologies, including poisoning with hepatotropic poisons (death cap amanita, chemical and medicinal substances), liver cirrhosis, leptospirosis. Hepatic encephalopathy, precoma and coma, accompanied with hyperammonemia. The state of acute alcohol intoxication of medium and severe degree, including alcoholic encephalopathy and coma. Complications in the third trimester of pregnancy: late gestosis, including its severe forms – pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, fetoplacental insufficiency, chronic pathologies of the digestive system in pregnant women.$15
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Drugs used for liver diseases, lipotropic substances. Hepatotropic drugs. Arginine glutamate. ATC code А05В А01. Indications to Use: In a combination therapy of acute and chronic hepatitis of various etiologies, including poisoning with hepatotropic poisons (death cap amanita, chemical and medicinal substances), liver cirrhosis, leptospirosis. Hepatic encephalopathy, precoma and coma, accompanied with hyperammonemia. The state of acute alcohol intoxication of medium and severe degree, including alcoholic encephalopathy and coma. Complications in the third trimester of pregnancy: late gestosis, including its severe forms – pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, fetoplacental insufficiency, chronic pathologies of the digestive system in pregnant women.$25
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Antipyretic and other rhinological agents for local administration. Sympathomimetics, combinations, except for corticosteroids. ATC code R01A B. Indications to Use: Symptomatic treatment of colds, nasal blockage, acute and chronic rhinitis, seasonal (hay fever) and non-seasonal allergic rhinitis, acute and chronic sinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis. Adjunctive therapy in acute otitis media. Preparation for surgical intervention in the nose area and elimination of edema of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses after a surgical intervention.$12
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Analgesics and antipyretics. Paracetamol, combinations without neuroleptics. ATC code N02В Е51. Indications to Use: Symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza: • elevated body temperature • headache • nasal stuffiness; • rhinorrhea; • muscular pain and aches.$22
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Other analgesics and antipyretics. Anilides. Paracetamol, combinations without neuroleptics. ATC code N02В Е51. Indications to Use: Symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza: • elevated body temperature • headache • nasal stuffiness; • rhinorrhea; • muscular pain and aches.$22
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Other analgesics and antipyretics. Anilides. Paracetamol, combinations without neuroleptics. ATC code N02В Е51. Indications to Use: Symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza: • elevated body temperature • headache • nasal stuffiness; • rhinorrhea; • muscular pain and aches.$22
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Agents used for coughs and catarrhal diseases. АТС code R05D B13. Indications to Use: Symptomatic treatment of cough, (including Non-productive cough) of various etiologies.$12