Organic Original Russian Birch Tar Bar Soap
Categories: Bar Soaps
Coal-tar soap - soap contains about 10% of birch tar, so an effective treatment for acne, seborrhea (dandruff), acne, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases.
Tar has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. In conjunction with soap can increase blood flow to the tissues of the skin and accelerate tissue regeneration of the epidermis, which had been damaged. The tar dries the sores on the skin, speeding up the process of healing.
Coal-tar soap does not change color, in contrast to the pure tar. But it has a strong smell of tar, like the smell of burning bark. Most often used in coal-tar soap against pryschevoy and acne.
Natural tar soap does not dry the skin and irritates it, such as the soaps are hand made soap company, and soap-boiler-lovers. Tar soap is manufactured industrially (common from the store) should not be used for the face, because It has a high pH 9-11, and therefore will dry the skin and disrupt the natural lipid balance