nasal spray
Aquamax nasal spray 0.65% bottle with pump valve 20 ml Аквамакс спрей назальный 0,65 % флакон c клапаном-насосом 20 мл
Agents used for treatment of diseases of the nasal cavity.
АТС code R01A X10.
Indications to Use:
For babies, children and adults:
– for hygienic care of the nasal cavity, prevention and comprehensive treatment of the nasal mucosa and sinuses, accompanied by dryness of the nasal mucosa or mucus formation (atrophic, allergic, infectious, drug-induced rhinitis)
– as an aid in the application of local vasoconstrictor agents;
– for elimination of dryness in the nasal mucosa caused by operation of air conditioners, including those installed in the cars, or central heating radiators, during flights;
– After surgeries in nasal cavity and nasal sinuses.
Aquamax nasal spray 0.65% can with valve-bag and nasal nozzle 100 ml Аквамакс спрей назальный 0,65 % баллон c клапаном-пакетом и назальной насадкой 100 мл
Agents used for treatment of diseases of the nasal cavity.
АТС code R01A X10.
Indications to Use:
For babies, children and adults:
– for hygienic care of the nasal cavity, prevention and comprehensive treatment of the nasal mucosa and sinuses, accompanied by dryness of the nasal mucosa or mucus formation (atrophic, allergic, infectious, drug-induced rhinitis)
– as an aid in the application of local vasoconstrictor agents;
– for elimination of dryness in the nasal mucosa caused by operation of air conditioners, including those installed in the cars, or central heating radiators, during flights;
– After surgeries in nasal cavity and nasal sinuses.
Otrivin nasal spray dosed 0.1% bottle 10 ml with sprayer Отривин спрей назальный дозированный 0,1% флакон 10 мл с распылителем
The moisturizing formula helps to reduce the symptoms of irritation and dryness of the nasal mucosa. Relieves nasal congestion after 2 minutes, preserving the effect for up to 12 hours.