Pantestin-Darnitsa spray skin solution bottle 30 ml Пантестин-Дарница спрей накожный раствор флакон 30 мл
Superficial skin lesions of any origin with a risk of infection: scratches, abrasions, cuts, cracks in the skin, burns, dermatitis. Diaper rash and dermatitis, prevention of their infection. Chronic skin lesions such as trophic leg ulcers and bedsores. Skin infections, such as secondarily infected eczema and secondarily infected neurodermatitis. Healing cracked nipples in breastfeeding women. Minimally invasive surgery: injuries and surgical wounds.
Pantestin-Darnitsa gel tube 30 g Пантестин-Дарница гель туба 30 г
Dentistry: treatment of periodontal diseases (catarrhal, necrotising ulcerative gingivitis, localised periodontal disease, generalised periodontal disease), treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa (stomatitis, chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis), traumatic lesions of the oral mucosa (prosthetic stomatitis). Paediatrics: diaper rash and diaper dermatitis, prevention of their infection. Treatment of skin infections, in particular, secondarily infected eczemas and neurodermatites. Treatment of minor abrasions, cuts, scratches, burns, and prevention of their infection in household injuries.
Methyluracil with miramistin ointment tube 30 g Метилурацил с мирамистином мазь туба 30 г
The indications for the use are:
сomplicated, poorly healing wounds;
radiation and trophic ulcers (including patients with diabetic angiopathy, ulcers in weakened patients with significant immunosuppression);
burns and other skin damage.
The drug has a photoprotective effect in patients with photodermatosis.
Miramistin 0.01% 50 ml urological Мирамистин 0.01%, урологический 50 мл.
Miramistin 0.01% 50 ml urological
Miramistin has a wide range of antimicrobial effects, including hospital strains that are resistant to antibiotics.
The drug has a pronounced bactericidal effect.
It has an antifungal effect.
It has an antiviral effect, is active against complex viruses (herpes viruses, human immunodeficiency virus, etc.).
Miramistin acts on pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases.