Greenfield Fine Darjeeling Black Tea Bags 25pcs

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“But indeed I would rather have nothing but tea.”
― Jane Austen, Mansfield Park

Crystal clear air, abundant rainfall and generous sunshine of high-elevated plantations in Northern India create exciting and teasing aroma of Greenfield Fine Darjeeling.
About type of tea Darjeeling. This resonant and sparkling name itself seems to contain the coolness so much sought by the British in India. They founded this town in the beginning of the 19th century on a ridge of the Himalayas at the altitude of 2000 meters above sea level to take refuge from the weary damp heat of the Indian mainland summer.

It appears that time goes by its own way here – as one hundred years ago a tiny “toy train” pulls carriages up the steep mountain slope, sunrays reflect in the white dome of the eternal peak of Kanchenjunga and one of the best teas in the world is harvested on the neat plantations.

As a matter of fact, the appearance of Darjeeling tea is the accomplishment of a British national, doctor Campbell. The curious doctor planted tea seeds in his garden for the sake of pure interest. The result exceeded his boldest expectations as the harvested tea had wonderful fine flavour and fascinating aroma. Thus, in 1847 first tea plantations appeared in Darjeeling. There is no other tea in the world like Darjeeling. Unique climate conditions of high-elevated plantations, abundant rainfall, damp fogs and bright sunshine – all contribute to the original tea bouquet. Darjeeling tea flavour is a miracle of nature. It varies greatly depending on the time of plucking. Traditionally, Darjeeling teas of the first (spring) and second - summer and autumn - pluckings are distinguished. Greenfield Fine Darjeeling belongs to the summer plucking type that is harvested from the end of May until the beginning of July. During this time the bushes produce especially juicy leaves. Therefore the second plucking is considered more exquisite and valuable. Greenfield Fine Darjeeling is appreciated for the full flavour with nutmeg notes and light flowery aroma.

Brand Greenfield
Collection Classic Collection
Country of Origin India
Packing Each tea bag individually packed
Net weight 1.76 oz (25 x 2g)

Категории: Tea

Теги: Tea Greenfield Black tea

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